Day 19 - Minehead to West Quantoxhead - 15 miles

The view from my room at 5.40 this morning - unreal!  

I met a couple over breakfast who were just starting their walk towards Lands' End. Oddly, because the last few weeks have been so good, I felt envious. I want to walk that coast again - it's wonderful.

Minehead - where Billy Butlin met Frei Otto.

Having checked-out of the Ship Aground
 (disappointing breakfast) I wanted to look again at something that had caught my eye yesterday evening.
With the kind help of Station Manager Ian, and volunteers Peter and John,
 I needed to get a better view beyond a parked train that was in the way......!
To get through the locked carriages, mention of (Taid) John Crompton was the key!
Et voila!!

Who keeps saying it's a small world?!?!

The Coastal path initially heads out through sand dunes with the prospect of 
3 miles of heavy going.
Ah well! That's clear then! Mum's blood would boil - Come back John and show them how!. It's a Links course as well!!!

The good news is, I'm walking (almost) blister free. It must be last night's supper of Faggots, mash and mushies. I sensed the waiter had been waiting all evening for the opportunity to ask how I'd enjoyed my main course.....!!!

I had a long lunch stop at the Driftowood Cafe at Blue Anchor where with the help of some apple juice on a napkin I was able resuscitate a very dopey bee before setting it free to save our planet.

The coast footpath beyond Watchet was closed because of cliff erosion so I walked 2 miles on the road - what a pain!!

It did give me the first views of the Quantocks ahead in cool blue.
and walking in the opposite direction, I met Heather and Jo. 
With the road being closed to traffic, we admitted to some schadenfreude as car after car ignored the first, the second and the third road closed sign before having to do a U turn.

Following Heather's suggestion, I met this handsome guy
He certainly seemsed to like the Polo mint I gave him, chasing it around my palm before crunching it noisily. 

On the harbour at Watchet, I got talking to Shaun who breeds and trains Springer Spaniels.
He described how local shoots normally charge £50 to £60 per bird. Agents offer betweèn 600 and 1000 bird shoots. There are are 10 or max 12 guns per shoot. That's 50 to 60K per morning. Wow!!! 

Watchet feells as though it's on the up!!
Me with Yankee Jack!

Coleridge's Ancient Mariner was inspired by Watcher harbour.

At East Quay gallery, I went to see an exhibition of Bedwyr Williams (Llanelwy) who's exhibited at the Saatchi and Barbican. His stuff didn't do it for me!!

Onwards, on the home run.....
I seem to have been of considerable interest to our 4 legged friends today - it might just be those Polo mints! 

After a bit of deft cross country walking I arrived at The Windmill at West Quontoxhead.

Over supper I got taling to John. Another  Renaissance Universal man! 

Initially a teaching assistant with experience of dealing with autism and special needs, he then taught in Okinawa for 10 years and learnt Japanese before returning to the UK where he works - very effectively - as a maitre'd. 
Never judge...! A great conversationalist and one of the good guys!

Total distance so far = 235.7 miles
Total ascent so far = 36 077 feet
If you're tempted to contribute to any or all of the great charities I'm supporting, here are the relevant links.

Parkinsons UK   - My dad had Parkinsons in his latter years and the research work this charity funds and the support it provides to patients and their families is invaluable. -

Just Wheels UK  - this is a small charity set up to provide wheelchairs in a rural community in Tanzania. It does this through funding training, education and the local fabrication and servicing of bespoke wheelchairs. My nephew uses a wheelchair and as he grows I can see the life changing freedoms that proper wheelchairs can bring to both users and their families.-

- RNLI   - these are the brave guys who selflessly head out to sea to help others. I volunteer at Littlehampton RNLI shop and often meet families of those who’ve had first hand experience of their loved ones being saved from the sea. Having sailed for years I can say thankfully we’ve never had to call on the RNLI's services but it’s amazing what it does to know they are there



  1. I hope the bee tells all its friends and they buzz you companionably along your way!


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